Trade CFDsOn Stocks,Crypto& More
Trade with CFDs on over 200 currency pairs, stocks, indices, precious metals, energies, and commodities using Livarexx.
New trading generation.
Transactions on financial platforms do not always represent the manual form. Many experienced traders make use of algorithms created by applying codes and special software to open and close trades, based on pre-established rules, for example using price ticks in the underlying market.

High frequency
High Frequency robots can accept up to 1 million orders per day, whereas the traditional trader accepts just about 70 orders in a day. These high frequency robots account for nearly 60% of transactions across the United States. In reality, the added value of these robots is how fast they execute, ensuring that they get better prices as compared to human traders. The strategies are defined beforehand so that the robot interprets multiple signals at a time.

Artificial Intelligence
Today is the race to who will have the most efficient robot. For this, traders/coders use the latest technologies to have the best returns and beat other robots. It is possible to link strategies based on technical analysis with macro-economic analysis through artificial intelligence and in particular through NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms which scrape the internet and dissect the news.

Use a single account for trading
Choose a suitable account type and trade CFDs on cryptocurrencies without opening an account with a crypto exchange. At Algo-Simplex, you can manage cryptocurrencies and other asset types from a single account.
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Algo-trading, or an algorithmic trading, means partially or fully automating your trading. For this reason, buy and sell instructions are coded in a computer language (python, java, C++, etc….).
Algorithms can work twenty-four seven, increasing chances of trading for you. This is the reason why many investment funds, banks, independent traders use this technology to augment returns. They can process a huge amount of data at the same time and make decisions in a matter of milliseconds. Indeed, when volatility is high, algorithms can act very fast depending on multiple data. It is possible for them to determine correlations that humans could not perceive thanks to Machine Learning algorithms for example. Many strategies have been developed from these correlations between different indices / cryptocurrencies / currency pairs. Of course, one of the main advantages of removing human psychological biases, which are highly present in trading. Indeed, learning how to control his emotions is important for a trader in order not to act under impulses. Using an algorithmic trading allows acting by following a predetermined strategy. Therefore, all psychological elements of fear of loss or greed are washed out as the algo-trading adheres to that defined strategy to a letter.
Advanced analytical information and tools
The platform is highly intuitive and user-friendly. It is easy to navigate for novice users, yet equipped with advanced functionality to meet the expectations of experienced traders.
Verify your trading account by uploading your documents
Fund your account using your preferred payment method